Portfolio > Index Cards

I've got a love for using basic office supplies to create art. As an artist I've found myself doing detailed drawings on paper napkins with 99¢ ballpoint pens. Nothing can stop an artist from creating-so why not embrace what is often seen as an artistic roadblock, and make art with common supplies?

Pen and Paper
3 inches by 5 inches
Pen and Paper
3 inches by 5 inches
The Real Man Spider
Pen and Paper
3 inches by 5 inches
Snowing on Parade
Pen and Paper
3 inches by 5 inches
A Writer by Dark
Pen and Paper
3 inches by 5 inches
The Quilter
Pen and Paper
3 inches by 5 inches
Pen and paper
6 inches by 5 inches
The Sweeper
Pen and Paper
3 inches by 5 inches
Confusion of the Window
Pen and Paper
3 inches x 5 inches
Pen and Paper
3 inches x 5 inches
Brick Wall Lean
Pen on Paper
3 inches by 5 inches

This series was done over the course of two days, inspired by sights I saw on my way to work. I have a neighbor who is, every Wednesday, working to clean the sidewalk. He inspired much of this, in the way he stands and in his constant motion. The chaotic combination of plants and bird heads is what it feels like peering out at pigeons through the window box. The sewing woman was the most whimsical take-an upscale store near me just closed down, as the people in my neighborhood couldn't afford the high prices. The clothing the store sold was mostly handmade, hand-spun, hand-knit...so why not have a woman quilting? And finally, there I am, imagined as an old man, still at a desk writing by hand.